Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Will has been eating veggies for almost a week! We started on carrots and moved to peas now. So far no allergies!!! I can't wait to introduce fruit :o) I will assume that he will gobble those down lol! He seems to like veggies but after 4 bites he is done with them lol!! More to come...

Friday, March 18, 2011

4 months and growing

Well it's been almost a month since my last post! So much to  tell you all! I do have to say Will is growing so he is awake more and it is getting nice out so we go on walks now. The last month Will has had rice cereal daily and was introduced to his first veggie today :o) CARROTS!! He actually loved em lol! He weighs 15.6lbs now and got his 4month shots 2 days ago. I got the ok to feed him veggies 2x a day plus cereal in the morning. It feels just like yesterday that he was born... I will probably say that for the next 18 years being that all moms say that! I really enjoy being a mother not only am I teaching a young one so many things but I am growing in new directions myself... :o)